Page 7 - Food Inflation in Southeast Asia 2
P. 7

Scope and purpose

           of the policy paper

           The present policy paper aims to achieve the following 4 objectives:
           1.   To provide the trends in the movement of Consumer Food Price Indexes, CFPI (2015 = 100) in various Southeast
              Asian countries and the Southeast Asian region as a whole.
           2.   To provide the trends in the movement of year-on-year inflation rate based on Consumer Food Price Indexes (2015
              = 100) of various Southeast Asian countries and the Southeast Asian region as a whole.
           3.   To provide the trends in the movement of Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) and General Consumer Price Index
              (CPI) over time (Base 2015=100) for Brunei.
           4.   To provide the trends in the movement of year-on year inflation rates in CFPI and the General CPI over time (Base
              2015=100) for Brunei.
           5.   To provide the trends in the movement of CFPI (2015-=100) of Brunei and the FAO Food Price Index (2014-2016=100)
              over time.

           For meeting the above-mentioned objectives, the author has used the latest available data from FAO. For reasons of
           comparability across the countries (like same base year) and quality standards, FAO data have been used instead of data
           provided by government agencies in various Southeast Asian countries.

                                                                 THE CHALLENGE OF FOOD INFLATION IN SOUTHEAST ASIA  7 7
                                                                  MODI 3.0: A NEW ERA OF SINO-INDIA COOPERATION
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